Category Archives: Painting

Girl Gang

What’s better than a powerhouse gang of awesome girlfriends? I don’t know if anything is. Sync those cycles (bicycles or… other cycles) and ride out, girls. I did this illustration for a Simpsons themed art show (Fun Fact: it did not get in.) but I like it so much I want it to see the light of day.


I wrote a very vomit-inducing statement to accompany it, and no, you don’t get to see that. My hatred of sincere, existential, culturally nuanced, jargon-filled artist statements is perhaps what keeps me from achieving success.  YES. THAT MUST BE IT.


I made a Heron. Check it out. Heron_2


There may be more of these coming soon. Details to follow (I know, the suspense is just KILLING you).





This time, it’s my pal Steph! I laid the pencil over the painting to fight the wimpyness of watercolour alone. Shazam!

A Reddish Dress

Shaunna_Cropped.LRez Shaunna.Rough.LrezMy pal Shaunna is my latest unknowing inspiration/model. Thanks Shaunzie!


Lazer Pointer


This is one of those times where I like the rough a little better than the final. The painting is fine, but the who-gives-a-shit expression on the sketch got away from me a bit.  This is a sort of inspired-by portrait of journalist, karaoke savant & all-around-awesome person Kelli Korducki and she did not give me her permission to draw it, so let’s hope she likes it.

Creep Lez






My pal Faith is the real life owner of this amazing shirt and the inspiration for this little drawing. Thanks Faith!

Say Hello to Spiri!

Spiri_FINAL_crop_300dpiVoila!  This recent poster I did can be owed by you for the easy price of contributing to the company’s Kickstarter! Depending on what you contribute you might even get yourself a technologically smarter-than-you flying 4 propeller-having ROBOT.  Yup, a robot. How many Kickstarters can promise that?  Only ones that are about robots. Like this one. BAM.


Blazing Travels

I did some drawings in April for Normative – a really lovely design firm, full of lovely people, here in Toronto. These were made for a presentation their client will be using internally, so this may be their only parade around the block.  Without getting into it, the drawings (and hopefully you can glean this from, you know, the drawings) are about making travel decisions, and enjoying cities from a less tourism-oriented perspective. While wearing a jaunty blazer/t-shirt combo.


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You can see a few more images from the set of 15 on my portfolio site, as well as a few other updated, shinier nuggets from the past… and the FUTURE. It’s like my blog, with a blazer on. And if you want to hire me or have your friend from the New Yorker hire me, you can send them there too. It’s so easy!


Cleaning up and rooting through the archives – it’s a treat to find something you actually like.  I dug up this painting I made a few years ago of my friend and very talented illustrator Jessie. 

There she is!  Check out Jessie’s work as well. It’s awesome.

Queen of Summer

Another drawing that was made as a kind of hostess gift. I made it for my friend Amy who invited me to her party. I finished it much, MUCH later than the party and am now giving it to her via this post, a la, the internet. Thanks for the Summer party, Amy!